Warning: include(medicine/menu.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/admin/domains/banihani.net/public_html/privacy.php on line 16

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'medicine/menu.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php81/lib/php') in /home/admin/domains/banihani.net/public_html/privacy.php on line 16


This Privacy Policy (the "Policy") describes how Islamic Stickers. (also referred to as "Company,” "we,” "us,” or "our”), collects, stores, uses and protects your information when you use any mobile applications that hyperlink to this Policy and are available for download in the Google Play Store, Apple App Store or any other third party app store, or are pre-installed on third party devices (the "Apps"), or content owned or operated by Magic Mobile (collectively, including the Site and Apps, the "Services”).


We don't collect anonymous information. We don't use technologies like cookies, web beacons, or unique device identifiers to anonymously identify your computer or device. Our systems dose not log information like your browser, operating system and IP address.

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you. In other words, we do not collect information such as your name, address, phone number or email address.

We do not store or share your precise location. We do not use or collect your precise geographic location. No ad companies collect data through our service. We do not allow advertising companies to collect data through our service for ad targeting.


Images of people or places displayed on the application are copyright to their respective owners.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us

Warning: include(medicine/footer.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/admin/domains/banihani.net/public_html/privacy.php on line 58

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'medicine/footer.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php81/lib/php') in /home/admin/domains/banihani.net/public_html/privacy.php on line 58

Warning: include(medicine/js.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/admin/domains/banihani.net/public_html/privacy.php on line 65

Warning: include(): Failed opening 'medicine/js.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/php81/lib/php') in /home/admin/domains/banihani.net/public_html/privacy.php on line 65